The witcher wolf school gear
The witcher wolf school gear

Head to the Bastion where, if you haven't already visited it, wraiths will come out to greet you so make quick work of them, then head inside. As you near the cave exit a wraith will spawn here, so kill it off and then loot the skeleton here for the armor, boots, gauntlets, and trousers diagrams as well as some notes. Once done, jump through it and it'll spit you out in a cave. You'll need to hit the other mechanism opposite the one you just charged up and that'll stabilize the portal. Do not try to jump through the portal yet though, as it's not stable enough (indicated by it flickering). Head back and interact with the mechanism to add it, then hit it with Aard to charge it. Carefully walk through here and climb up onto the scaffolding on the outside of the tower and near the end, look up to see the crystal on a ledge to grab it. You can then examine the portal area on the ground level if you wish, though you need the polished crystal, so head back the way you entered the tower but this time climb through the crack in the wall on the right (if facing the exit). While not needed, you can also loot the nearby skeleton for Pang of Conscience and a letter of apology.

the witcher wolf school gear

Climb up to the first level to find Hieronymus' notes in a chest, which will add the Ruined Watchtower and the Bastion as other areas to check out, as well as noting you need to examine the portal mechanism. Head in and go straight, climbing up over the wall, to find some scaffolding here. As you make your way up the steps to the tower a couple erynias may attack if they spot you here. However, as it's up a steep cliff, you'll need to ride down the valley some and then back up to get to it. The armor diagrams are in the old signal tower, an unmarked location just south of the Kaer Morhen signpost. After you've typed in the code, you'll be logged in and the rewards are all yours.The easiest way to get the markers on the map is to buy one of the maps, with the easiest one early on being the slightly torn notes from Lindenvale's blacksmith. When your done logging in you'll need to head to your email account where a verification code will be sent.

the witcher wolf school gear

When you've scanned the code - which you can do with your phone camera and QR app - you'll be brought to the website, where you'll be asked to either sign in or sign up to GOG.

the witcher wolf school gear

When you click on it, a small window will appear asking you to scan a QR code, which will then take you to the GOG website to login. For those of you on PlayStation, this will be an R1 prompt. In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen you should be able to see a reward prompt that can be accessed.

the witcher wolf school gear

To get started, all you have to do is load up Cyberpunk 2077 on whichever platform you're playing on and head to the main menu. CD Projekt Red has partnered with GOG, the digital distribution platform, for some exclusive, themed Witcher 3: Wild Hunt rewards that can be worn by your character in Cyberpunk 2077, and best of all, they're free.

The witcher wolf school gear